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Wednesday, January 29, 2014


we all need a breather from our hectic lives once in a while. i guess this was the day i didn't do anything productive at all, but i had fun simply being accompanied with my own thoughts :) 

Chewy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies:
4 fistful of oats (processed into oat flour) (it should be one serving / half a cup of oats!), 15 almonds (processed into almond butter), one square of chocolate bar, & an egg :) 
If you want it to be more chewy, you can always leave the batter in the fridge for a while!

I didn't add any sugar because I used 90% chocolate and there's already some sugar inside. But you can add sugar/honey into the recipe if you want to :)

Amount Per Serving (12 cookies)
  Calories 467.5  Total Fat 31.5 g  Saturated Fat 11.5 g       Total Carbohydrate 39.7 g     Dietary Fiber 10.9 g Protein 18.8 g  Sugars 2.2 g (well, maybe slightly more, i couldn't find 90% chocolate in the custom recipe calculator)  

i miss being in the water where the only voices i heard were the ones in my head

The Silver Linings Playbook was... hmm, I'll give it a 7/10, the book focused more on Pat's psychiatric issues as well as the relationship between him and his family. There were some moments in the book which were really good and quote worthy like the ones I've posted, but I feel that there was a lack of interaction between Pat (the main character) and his 'romantic interest' Tiffany until the end of the book!  I guess that they focus on it more in the movie, and the story line is a bit different, so I'm quite excited to watch it :)

“I don't want to stay in the bad place, where no one believes in silver linings or love or happy endings.” 

“If clouds are blocking the sun, there will always be a silver lining that reminds me to keep on trying.” 

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